Children’s Ministry
We encourage our children to be a part of the regular service as much as possible, so we open our Nursery and Toddler when children are dismissed for Junior Church after the Praise & Worship part of the service, or as needed for our members and guests. We provide a fun loving atmosphere where your child will hear Bible songs and stories while interacting with other children their age. We are currently in need of a Nursery Coordinator and as always, appreciate volunteers. If you would like to volunteer as coordinator or helper please contact the office for more information.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School class for children is for ages 4 – 5th grade. We pray and thank God for His blessings every week. At times we play games, make art projects, and have object lessons. Come join us as we study God’s road map for our lives, the precious Word of God.
Junior Church
Junior Church is our children’s church that focuses on discipling the younger generation in God’s word through Bible reading, fun activities, Bible memory, and songs. Junior Church is available every Sunday for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Older children and youth are encouraged to participate in our Celebration Service.