Sunday Service 5/30/21

Announcements 5/23

Mission & Vision

Service 5/16/21

Audio-only and sermon outline is also published under “Sermon Audio” of our Media tab.

Baby Shower

Service 5/9/21


Service 5/2/21


Service from this last Sunday is posted!  There are timestamps in the YouTube description for each section and each announcement in the service.  The message begins at 16:06.

GCF Day Offering – May 23

We will be collecting offerings in May for the project, with our official “Day” on May 23rd.  You can mark your check, envelope, or note in PayPal with “GCF Day”.  The Alliance goal for May 2021 is $350,000.  We have 40 appointees ready to be SENT!  

Focus Groups Introduction

We will be having a Focus Group Introduction on May 16th after the service in the Lounge.  
Whether you are sure you want to be in a group (and may even know which one) or are just curious as to what they are all about—we have an introduction class for you!  It is coming up on May 16th.  It will be after the morning service, but don’t worry about going hungry, we will have lunch for you!  Please mark your calendars and pray about being involved in ministry through one of these groups. 



Celebrating the Women in Our Lives
